We partner with a local solar company to offer photovoltaic panels.
If you’re looking for the best kind of solar energy, then we’ve got just the thing for you: photovoltaic panels. Photovoltaic panels work by taking the sunlight and releasing the electrons, which then creates converted energy. You might think that this sounds similar to solar panels, and you’re right! This is because, bottom line, photovoltaic is a form of solar energy. The categorization of photovoltaic, or “PV,” panels distinguishes solar PV panels from other forms of solar, like thermal, cells, or collectors.
Here at Just In Time Roofing & Restoration, we can tell you all the benefits and advantages that you can find with photovoltaic panels, thanks to our extensive knowledge from our ten-plus years working in this industry. While we don’t install photovoltaic panels ourselves, we partner with a solar company that can install panels for you if you’re interested in adding this feature to your new roof. We proudly serve the Burlington, North Carolina area, and you can rest assured that your roof will receive the care and attention that it deserves.
When it comes to the roof for your residential home or commercial facility, we want to be your go-to company. That’s why we offer services in roofing and gutter maintenance, repairs, installations, and more. We’re just a phone call away, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information about our services today!
At Just In Time Roofing & Restoration, we partner with a local solar company to offer photovoltaic panels in Burlington, Oak Ridge, Whitsett, Mebane, Graham, Elon, Reidsville, Haw River, McLeansville, Durham, Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, Liberty, Cary, Summerfield, Pleasant Garden, Archdale, Trinity, Thomasville, Randleman, Climax, Apex, Browns Summit, and Greensboro, North Carolina.